Saturday 26 February 2011

Gosh I don't want to go

I'm back at work a week on Monday and I SO don't want to go. I didn't want to go back after Lydia, I had to return for financial reasons when she was 6 1/2 months but I had so much holiday that I only worked 3 days a week until August, so she was 9 months when she went into nursery (as my SIL and James looked after her on the days I worked). A week on Monday I will be working full time and Isaac will be in nursery from day 1 :( I love their nursery and Lydia adores it, no doubt Isaac will too, but it's really hit home this week how much I am going to miss being around them.

Don't get me wrong, they drive me to distraction at least once everyday, but I really enjoy spending time with them, watching them laugh and interact etc. The thought of only seeing this on a Saturday and Sunday makes me feel sick to the stomach. I will be out of the house either before they are up or not long after (depending on where I am travelling that day) and I will be picking them up in time to get them home, bathed and put to bed. I could never be a FT SAHM but would like at least a couple of extra days at home with them - just got to find a way to make it possible. In the meantime I will be ploughing through the week, living to get to the weekend when I will need to try and fit in all the household jobs as well as quality time with my babies and the one day we have as a family - not exactly going to be a fun way of life :(

All of this just to pay the bills too, not even to give us money for holidays and nice things. Just doesn't seem right. Sorry this is very woe is me, but I'm truly miserable at the thought of it all, but am trying very hard to enjoy my last week with my babies.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Hello, Kitty!

We went to my best friend's little girl's 6th birthday party today! As usual Lydia spent the first hour and half being shy, then got upset when we had to leave 30 mins later. I love my little girl and she is so lively and outgoing, but for some reason can not cope when she enters a full room. If we'd got to the party before anyone else she'd have been absolutely fine, it's the same with her dance class: we have to get there before anyone (which is 15-20 mins before class starts usually) just so that she can "warm up" and not in a stretching your body way.

I wish I knew why she was like this, but I guess it's either something she will grow out of or learn to live with.

We had a lovely time (although my diet didn't fare too well) and Isaac had his first play in a ball pit, while Lydia had her face painted (by me, as she wouldn't let my friend do it) and tried to hula hoop - which is possibly the cutest, funniest thing I have ever seen - my girl can wiggle her bum that's for sure. Here's some pics of the day:

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Give with one hand, remove with the other!

Lydia is a nightmare sleeper. It's not a mummy being negative about her child, or an exageration, it is a FACT. She is nearly 3 1/2 and I can honestly say she has had only a few good nights and for a long time the process of going to bed was painful too.

A month or two ago I "broke the back" of the going to bed process and had managed to get her to the stage where she would settle within 5 mins with me sat outside her bedroom door, but she was still waking several times a night and ending up in with us. A couple of weeks ago we had a breakthrough on the staying in bed alnight (bribery of a friend sleeping over - for those who want to know how ;) ) we've had more sleep through nights in the last 2 weeks than we've had in the last 6 months and were thinking we'd nearly cracked it. WRONG!
Last night and tonight bedtime has been horrendous, taking me well over an hour and lots of stern talking and threats of ringing her friend's mummy to cancel her friend sleeping over which has been hell! Why oh why can't we just get an easy bedtime and a sleep through?

Now I know some people will think it is something we have done, but Isaac goes to bed like a dream and apart from waking for a feed when he has not eaten enough during the day or waking because of pain he sleeps through. We've done exactly the same with him as we did with her sleep wise, with only one exception. Lydia, as a bottle fed baby, was in her own room at 13 weeks as she was sleeping from 10pm to 6am without a feed; Isaac, as a breast fed baby, was in with us until 6 months (we put him to sleep in his cot, but first wake up at midnight he was brought into our room for the night). I wonder if moving her into her own room early was such a good idea - I should add that from 13 weeks to about 11 months were the only time in her life when she slept reasonably most of the time!

Ummmmm food for thought I feel, but in the meantime back to the drawing board I go to find a new strategy to try!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

My baby is leaving me tomorrow...

only for 2 hours, but nonetheless he is off to nursery for his first taster session. Luckily I am going to be occupied with a rare treat of a haircut, by my wonderful (and talented) sister in law!

I'm looking forward to the little break, because of getting my hair done, but am sad because it means that my impending return to work is so close now. We have 4 weeks to get my little mummy's boy unattached :( but I don't actually want him to be unattached. I keep thinking that I wasn't like this when I went back to work after Lydia, but I returned only 2 days a week for 3 months, as I had loads of accrued holiday and Lydia went to my SIL for those 2 days, so she didn't start nursery until she was 9 months old. Isaac is only 6 months :( Also, Lydia was/is the most independent little girl, whereas Isaac is a proper little cling on (which I LOVE!)

It's going to be strange leaving him in someone else's care, as in the last 6 months I haven't left him for longer than a razz around Sainsbury's, and then it's been with family. I may be shedding some tears tomorrow, but they'll just be preparing me for the waterfall on 7th March!

Monday 7 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

My baby girl had her first sleepover!

My 3 year old stayed at her friend's last night - it was her first sleepover! To be honest it was her friend's mummy's very kind gesture to give James and I a break from Lydia's horrendous night time waking, but nonetheless my little girl is growing up.

She had a lovely time playing with L and I think they were right little chatterboxes once in bed. I always miss Liddy when she's not here, but I'm not going to lie it was lovely to not lie in bed waiting for her to wake and for the screaming to begin - it was also nice to be able to flush the ensuite toilet without fear of it waking her!

Unfortunately, Isaac woke twice last night and Lyds was a very tired and difficult little girl today - she's like a grenade waiting to go off when she is over tired - but she did sleep from 10-7 without waking and screaming (I was terrified that she would have one of her "episodes" in the middle of the night at L's). So now we definitely know she is capable, we just don't know how to get repeats. The Nursery Nurse from the Health Visitors is due on Wednesday to discuss things, but I have to rearrange the appointment as I made it for 11.30am and Isaac is on his nursery taster from 09.30-11.30 - darn baby brain! I'm not exactly hopeful about her giving us new strategies as we have tried Pick Up Put Down, Disappearing Chair, Controlled Crying, Return To Bed (we had success with this when she was 2 for 6 months, but it's never been successful since), we've tried every bribery going and even toy removal punishments. Not sure where we'll be going with it next, but lets hope she has something to work on.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Welcome to my world!

I've only just joined the Blogosphere, but already it is strangely addictive. I enjoy writing as a general rule, but LOVE writing about things I care about, so why not write about my little family? I care about them more than anything and they give me plenty to write about - both good and bad!

My little girl, Lydia (3) provides me with enough writing material for a novel every single day! She is full of Liddyisms, which still make me laugh when I read them back (yes, I have kept a record of some of them, but am hoping this Blog will help me keep a record of even more).

She is our princess, but she is also an absolute handful. I'm not one of those mummies who tell the world that their child can do no wrong and is a "superstar" or "so good all the time", when in reality the child is a mean-spirited, aggressive little BLEEP. I believe in saying it how it is, when it comes to my children. I love them both more than anything in the world, but at times they can push every single button I have.

Lydia knows only too well at the moment, how to push those buttons. She is far too bright for our own good and I have realised in the last 24 hours that she is starting to control things in the Myson household. Not something I ever intended to happen, but somehow it has. Perhaps it was the arrival of Isaac 6 months ago that caused me to take my eye off the ball, but this mummy is taking back control. I'm sure I'll be posting plenty about that over the coming months.

Isaac is my blue-eyed boy! He's a proper mummy's boy at the moment and melts my heart everyday. He's cut two teeth in the last 24 hours and you'd never have known - he's so laid back, just like his daddy fortunately. Another highly strung child, who takes after their mummy would be carnage for this house.

He's the complete opposite to his sister in every way, but boy does he love her. She is the apple of his eye and it's the most amazing thing to see. Lydia even has a special bum wiggle she saves for Isaac, that is guaranteed to make him belly laugh!

He's started on solids recently and is eating everything in sight, we had some issues when he was exclusively breastfed as he just wasn't gaining weight, he was even under paediatric care because of it, but now he is on the 75th centile and was discharged on Wednesday!

I wonder often how he will turn out. Will he be the "class clown" like Lydia (she really is HILARIOUS) or will he be serious? Will he have curly hair like his sister or will his be polker straight? Will he be tall like her? Will he not sleep like her? (so far he sleeps well, is much better at self-settling than Lydia - she didn't self-settle until she was gone 2 and still doesn't really - and is a much deeper sleeper, just like daddy!)

I'm sure I will be sharing lots more about my "babies" as part of this blog, I might even manage some non-baby related posts at some point :)

Then there is my hubby: James. He really is the love of my life, but boy does he wind me up a treat too. He's a fabulous daddy and Lydia idolises him and no doubt Isaac will too, once he gets into "play". No doubt I'll be sharing more about him as time moves on too.